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Spiritual Gifts Inventory Assessment #3

Grace Baptist Church 3101 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City

Spiritual Gifts? Who, Me!? Yes, you have them, but which ones? Yes, God gave them to you, but for what? Yes, God wants you to use them, but how? One of the best ways to learn more about the spiritual gifts that are in you is to participate in a brief spiritual gifts inventory survey. If you’ve never completed a spiritual gifts inventory, or if has been a long time since you’ve participated in one, now is a great time to do it together with your church family. This will take place at 6:00pm in the Narthex of the church.

Spiritual Gifts Inventory Assessment #2

Grace Baptist Church 3101 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City

Spiritual Gifts? Who, Me!? Yes, you have them, but which ones? Yes, God gave them to you, but for what? Yes, God wants you to use them, but how? One of the best ways to learn more about the spiritual gifts that are in you is to participate in a brief spiritual gifts inventory survey. If you’ve never completed a spiritual gifts inventory, or if has been a long time since you’ve participated in one, now is a great time to do it together with your church family. This event will take place in the parables classroom #216

Spiritual Gifts Inventory Assessment

Grace Baptist Church 3101 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City

The first Spiritual Gifts Inventory Assessment following the morning worship service.  Refreshments will be served.   Spiritual Gifts? Who, Me!? Yes, you have them, but which ones? Yes, God gave them to you, but for what? Yes, God wants you to use them, but how? One of the best ways to learn more about the spiritual gifts that are in you is to participate in a brief spiritual gifts inventory survey. If you’ve never completed a spiritual gifts inventory, or if has been a long time since you’ve participated in one, now is a great time to do it together with your [...]

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