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Latest Past Events

National Day of Prayer

Grace Baptist Church 3101 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City

We welcome you to attend our National Day of Prayer! It will be a time of prayer for our nation, our world, and many other critical areas. Continental breakfast will be served.

Women’s History Month Program

Grace Baptist Church 3101 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City

In celebration of Women's History Month, the women's ministries of Grace Baptist Church invites you to a program on Thursday the 21st beginning at 6:30pm. Join us as we celebrate and share stories of 6 amazing women.  There will be refreshments and door prizes!

Spring Fling

Grace Baptist Church 3101 NE Vivion Rd, Kansas City

Blooming for Jesus is the theme for this evening hosted by American Baptist Women at Grace Baptist Church.  Adults $12.00, Children ages 4-12 $10.00.  Tickets available now.  Join us for Dinner, program, and music.  This is a wonderful time to gather your girls and have an evening out and help a great cause. Proceeds from this event will benefit American Baptist Women's Ministries Great Rivers Region's Special Project for 2022-2023 for Congo.  The goal is $15,000 to provide medical supplies and train nurses for the 13 hospitals that are part of the Congolese Baptist Community. For questions, please contact Lori Hill [...]

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